Ultimate Guide to Repotting Indoor Plants: Tips, Hacks, and Tricks!

Ultimate Guide to Repotting Indoor Plants: Tips, Hacks, and Tricks!

Are your houseplants looking a little cramped or tired? It might be time to give them a new home with a repotting session! Repotting is an essential part of plant care, but it can be messy, intimidating, or... quite frankly a boring chore! Fear not, because with the right techniques, you can become a repotting pro and help your plants thrive and grow healthy.

So, let's dive right into it with my ultimate guide filled with tips, tricks, and hacks to make repotting your plants easy and fun!

by feey

Know when to repot!

Plants will eventually outgrow their pots, and it's important to know when it's time to repot. Look for signs like roots growing out of the drainage holes, soil that dries out quickly, or a plant that is top-heavy and tipping over. Typically, plants should be repotted every 1-2 years, depending on their growth rate and the size of their pot. 

It's also important to consider the season when repotting your plants. In general, it's best to repot your plants during their active growing season, which is typically in the spring and summer months. This is when your plants will have the most energy and can recover more quickly from the stress of being repotted.

by feey

Choose the perfect potting mix

The type of potting mix you use can make a big difference in the health and growth of your plants. Look for a mix that is appropriate for your particular type of plant, such as a mix that has a high amount of drainage for succulents or cacti, or a mix that is nutrient-rich for fast-growing house plants.

Choosing the right potting mix is essential for your plant's success, as using the wrong type of mix can lead to issues like overwatering, underwatering, or poor nutrient absorption. By selecting a mix that suits the needs of your plant, you can help it thrive and grow strong.

Mary wrote a really interesting post for us about reusing potting mix and how to choose its components with regards to their environmental impact. Check it out and learn how to make informed decisions when selecting a potting mix that's both good for your plants and the planet.


By feey

The new pot: Let's talk drainage holes

Before repotting, make sure the new pot is clean and has drainage holes. Proper drainage is essential for the health of your plant, as it allows excess water to escape so the soil is not waterlogged. This is especially important if you're using a heavy potting mix or if your plant requires frequent watering to keep the soil moist. 

When soil becomes waterlogged, it can lead to root damage and rot, which can ultimately result in poor growth or even death of your plant. By picking a pot with proper drainage, you can help ensure that your plant stays healthy and strong. You can also add a layer of gravel, leca or pebbles at the bottom of the pot to further improve drainage and prevent soil from clogging the drainage holes.

by feey

Soap your nails!

Let's be real, repotting can be a messy business, and no matter how hard you try, it's common to end up with dirt everywhere including under your nails. I've got a personal hack to share with you! Before you start repotting, try rubbing a bar of soap under your nails. Trust me, this simple trick can make all the difference! Not only does it help prevent soil from getting stuck under your nails, but it also dissolves any dirt that manages to sneak in. Once you're finished repotting, simply wash your hands with water to remove any remaining soap and dirt. Give it a try, I promise it will make a difference! 

by allison christine

Loosen the roots

When removing the plant from its old pot, gently loosen the roots with your fingers or a tool to help the plant adjust to its new pot. Be careful not to damage the root.

By Josue Michel 

Self-watering solution: Hello PLANTSTRAWS!

Repotting is the perfect opportunity to upgrade your plant care routine and add a self-watering solution like Plantstraws to your plant's new home! With Plantstraws, you can keep your plants hydrated and healthy by providing a consistent supply of water directly to the bottom of the pot, right where the roots need it.

To install Plantstraws, simply moisten the whole wick and circle a length of the wet rope at the bottom of the pot or on top of a first layer before putting your plant in. The longer the length of wick you use, the more moist the surrounding soil becomes. So, you can use it with both large and small plants that thrive in moist but never waterlogged soil. Give Plantstraws a try, and see the difference it makes in keeping your plants happy and healthy. Read some reviews from our growing Plantstraws community to see what they think! Or check out a set of two, it always saves you around 15 %

 Shop all Plantstraws!

Trim and prune

While you have the plant out of its pot, it's a good time to trim any dead or damaged leaves and prune any overgrown branches or stems. A good pair of sharp scissors can make the job easier and more precise. My top pick is the this one, which is perfect for plant maintenance and perhaps most importantly: it's pretty! 

Favourite scissors

Use a soil scoop for easy repotting

A soil scoop is a handy tool that can make repotting your plants much easier. It's a scoop with a built-in reservoir that allows you to scoop soil out of the bag and into the new pot with minimal mess. Using a soil scoop can also help you avoid compacting the soil or damaging the plant's roots, which can happen if you use your hands or other tools.
The day I discovered these easy-to-clean, Japandi-style stainless steel bonsai soil scoops, I knew I wanted them for the shop! I think they make repotting your plants a breeze, especially if you're repotting multiple plants or working with a large plant that requires a lot of soil.

Japanese style soil scoop

Add fertilizer

Once the plant is in its new pot, you can add a slow-release fertilizer to help it grow and thrive. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer package for the appropriate amount to use. Slow-release fertilizers added to the soil are the perfect pairing with Plantstraws. 

Did you know

...that touching soil can be good for your mental health?

Studies have shown that getting your hands dirty in the soil can reduce stress and anxiety, boost mood and well-being, and help you feel more connected to the natural world 🌱

Hot tip: worm castings by Sybasoil

Water thoroughly

Whether you're just repotting, or installing a self-watering solution like Plantstraws, it's important to water your plants thoroughly after repotting to help them settle into their new pots. Keep an eye on the soil moisture level over the next few weeks and water your plants as needed. For Plantstraws, make sure the water reservoir is filled and check the water level periodically to ensure your plants are getting enough water.

by Cassidy Phillips

Bonus! A decorative top layer

Adding a layer of decorative rocks on top of the soil can not only help retain moisture but also add a decorative touch to your repotted plant. Plus, if you're planning on placing your plants outdoors, this layer can prevent soil from splashing up when it's raining. So, get creative with your decorative toppings and add a stylish flair to your freshly repotted plant!

by vadim kaipov


Happy gardening!

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